Kaart Ranglijst

Pizza Ananas

Stamnaam:Pizza Ananas
Aantal leden:6
Punten van de 8 beste spelers:14.084.390
Totaal aantal punten:14.084.390
Verslagen tegenstanders: 243.552.055 (3.)
» Stamakte (externe link)


Naam Rang Punten Globale rang Dorpen
Hemsy 1 3,967,628 11 405
Witch-king of Angmar 2 2,893,504 12 254
RoomsB1 3 2,774,084 13 273
ghallasj 4 2,620,613 14 278
thomas1969 5 1,332,845 19 154
jespertje2 6 495,716 27 61
In a realm where echoes of ancient drums
resonated through the air,
the tribe of STAM emerged, reclaiming their
ancestral legacy.

The once serene landscapes now pulsated with
the rhythmic footfalls of STAM warriors,
their tribal chants blending with the natural
melody of the surroundings.

Fearful gazes from neighboring clans bore witness
to the rise of this formidable tribe,
as STAM members, adorned in intricate tribal markings,
stood tall with a sense of unity and purpose.

The atmosphere crackled with an energy akin to lightning,
signaling a time when the world would bow to the
authority of the STAM tribe, their presence echoing
through the valleys as a testament to a new era.

STAM werd door innoto en GPatta opgericht.


- Jebinque